Monday, May 23, 2011

come back

I'm sorry for not updating my blog. I have been very busy. I will do my to keep add more of my recent work, which is not much because I haven't been making much artwork because I a=have been busy.

:) Gracias


Monday, May 3, 2010

Artist Statement for Exhibition Work

Artist Statement

This body of work is a representation of my growth and improvement as an artist since the fall of 2006. My visual arts experience at the Boston Arts Academy was very challenging and strengthening. I am very confident with my visual art skills and my understanding of the visual arts realm. I am familiar with visual art vocabulary (such as composition, proportion, value, negative space, etc.) which I am able to apply to anything in the world. I have learned to be very open-minded and gotten used to the prefix of “re” (revising, rethinking, and restarting) as well as hard work. I have worked with various mediums like clay, paint, ink, charcoal, foam, wood, pencil, markers, watercolor and photography. These materials each have their own unique process and technique; adapting to each medium was playful and/or frustrating but always productive because I would gain some experience from it that I could later apply.

Through the years at the Boston Arts Academy, my art-making has become therapeutic. The process of making art has turned into a time to reflect and meditate on my life. If I have any hard feelings, the focus I apply in the art-making helps me calm down and better analyze the situation I am in. During the process of my photography series, I was very stressed with all the work I had for school and was struggling to balance my responsibilities. Since I had to capture moments with the ones I love and care about, I got to remember how lucky I am for knowing such beautiful beings. This realization calmed me down, made me be thankful, and ended up making the assignment fun. Such healing process inspires me to pursue the field of art therapy, so I can help to guide those in an unhappy-emotional state to be aware and thankful for the good things in their lives.

It has been a great pleasure and privilege to be part of the Visual Arts department and to have shared four years with such caring, giving, loving and silly teachers and classmates.

Progress Work

Sunday, November 22, 2009

This is an Exhibitions class' project. The assignment was to "go out to the world," get whatever we could find and make something with the stuff found. We were to think as curators, transform the space by making an exhibition.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

This is my still life of loaves of bread and artichokes. I am working on form, color and accuracy.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Reflecting on Critique

After listening to my classmates' opinions on my work from this term, it seems as if my current struggle is making a finished piece. I was surprised to hear that my work showed determination beause I honestly was not concern about it at all. Now that I think about it, I do agree that I was very determined sometimes, but not all the time. This comment made me realized that I was most determined when I was working on something that did not get me very motivated. On the other hand, I said I was very proud of my compositions probably because I felt really comfortable with them. However, I had a realization when it was commented that most of my compositions were very central because I did not have noticed it. Then, I realized I felt good about my compositions because they portrayed what I wanted them to protray. I realized I wanted to portrayed the relationship between the objects and the sense or vibe of the whole still life instead of just having an interesting composition on a blank piece of paper.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Project's description

I am going to be using candy for the last project in Studio. It is going to be call "Natural and Edible." It is going to have delicious and colorful candy. It will be a watercolor piece. The dimensions will be 22" by 14.5". The candy is a representative of the things we eat that are distorted in any way through chemical processes. Some brands of any kind of food would say "Naturally flavored," making people think that it is good to eat because it is natural. Well, everything is natural and most things are edible, but just because something might be natural and edible it does not mean that it mightbe healthy or good.